World Kabaddi is now a member of The Association For International Sport for All (TAFISA), which is recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
TAFISA Secretary General Wolfgang Baumann, confirmed the approval of the membership via a letter to the World Kabaddi secretary S.T. Arasu earlier today.
The membership of the leading multi-sport organization catering for Sports for All programmes will help World Kabaddi further promote and develop the game.
World Kabaddi president Ashok Das thanked TAFISA for their approval and believes that the membership would be beneficial for the future of the game.
The membership opens the door for World Kabaddi not only to participate in TAFISA’s programmes but also to forge and open new relationships with other member organisations.
Among the TAFISA events that World Kabaddi can now participate includes the Congresses, Forums and International Workshops. World Kabaddi will be formally accepted during TAFISA’s next General Assembly in Portoroz, Slovenia in October next year.
The major event that World Kabaddi is looking forward to collaborate with TAFISA is the introduction of kabaddi at the World Sport for All Games scheduled to be held in Lisbon, Portugal from 18 – 24 June 2021.
“We will start the necessary paperwork, planning and necessary arrangements immediately. The visibility that we will get by promoting kabaddi at the Games is immense and valuable,” said Ashok.
The TAFISA World Sport for All Games typically attract up to 50.000 participants and visitors from up to 100 countries, and has often been under the patronage of the IOC and United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Being a member of TAFISA also opens up World Kabaddi to a whole range of programs including the Certified Leadership Course (CLC), Reach Out Course, Take Back Your Future and Recall – Games of the Past – Sports for Today.
World Kabaddi, which now has more than 50 member countries around the world is continually looking to expand the growth the sports.
“Our ultimate aim is for the game to be one day included at the Olympics. There are many conditions that we need to fulfill before we can achieve this. World Kabaddi is working hard with the support of the membership to fulfill the criteria,” said Ashok.
Last year, the inaugural World Kabaddi was held in Malaysia while the inaugural European Championships was held in Glasgow, Scotland. Tanzania is expected to host the African Championships later next month, with hopes that there would be no disruptions because of the current Covid-10 pandemic.
The World Kabaddi Day is celebrated on March 24, and this year’s celebration saw the introduction and presentation of the World Kabaddi Awards.
Ashok added that the membership with TAFISA was bound to open more doors for kabaddi at the international level.